Finally, the truth about the mysterious Loch Ness monster is revealed

The mysterious Loch Ness monster has finally been confirmed by scientists that the legendary monster is actually an ancient sea turtle.


The mysterious Loch Ness monster has finally been confirmed by scientists that the legendary monster is actually an ancient sea turtle.

Professor Henry Bauer of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute suggests that the Loch Ness monster was indeed trapped in Loch at the end of the last Ice Age.

 A leading scientist has broken the mystery of the Loch Ness monster ... by revealing that the mysterious creature is actually an ancient sea turtle.  

Finally, the truth about the mysterious Loch Ness monster is revealed

Loch Ness monster is actually an ancient sea turtle / ph: instagram@eerielights

Research by Professor Henry Bauer has found that Nessie could be an undiscovered sea turtle trapped in the Loch as the water receded at the end of the last Ice Age.

Scientists have rejected the idea that Nessie was a dinosaur when he said that the creatures that lurk in Loch Ness were a large sea turtle "that has not been properly discovered and described exists in some nooks and crannies of the ocean."

The retired Professor Henry, 89, who specializes in chemistry and scientific research, said: "The most common identifiable feature of the Loch Ness monster is its relationship to the extinct plesiosaurs, but this is difficult to deal with because of the rare appearance of this creature. "On the other hand, everything that is described about the Loch Ness monster is known among the many living turtles as well as those that are described to be extinct as air-breathing but lived for a long time in deep water, adventure on land, moved in water very quickly, ability to move in very cold water and a relatively long neck.

  "The Loch Ness monster, also known as Nessies, is a large sea turtle that has not been accurately discovered and described, most likely still exists in some niches in the ocean" said Professor Bauer.  - has been published in a prestigious scientific journal - is the latest chapter in the global book of Nessie.  


According to this study, the creature living in Loch Ness dates back to the 6th century. The first record of the Loch Ness monster appeared in 565 in a biography of St. Columba.  

According to the text, the creature bitten a swimmer and prepared to attack another man when Columba intervened.  He ordered the beast to "return" and it obeyed.

 In 1960, aviation engineer Tim Dinsdale videotaped a hump that left a trail across Loch Ness.  The elusive monster was "seen" 12 times last year.

Finally, the truth about the mysterious Loch Ness monster is revealed

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