China launches Space Tourism by 2025

China is likely to start selling tickets for suborbital space tourism by 2025 with prices ranging from $280,000 to $430,000.

China is likely to start selling tickets for suborbital space tourism by 2025 with prices ranging from $280,000 to $430,000.

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Can plants grow on the Moon?

For the first time, plants can germinate and grow in soil taken from the Moon in a landmark test just published.

For the first time, plants can germinate and grow in soil taken from the Moon in a landmark test just published.

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SpaceX could hit $127B Valuation with Latest 1.7 bln Funding round

SpaceX, the space exploration company of the world's richest billionaire Elon Musk, is conducting a new round of fundraising.  The valuation of the company that SpaceX expects in this fundraising round is about $127 billion - according to CNBC news.

SpaceX, the space exploration company of the world\'s richest billionaire Elon Musk, is conducting a new round of fundraising.  The valuation of the company that SpaceX expects in this fundraising round is about $127 billion - according to CNBC news.

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In recent years, Chinese aerospace startups have attracted a huge amount of investment.

The launch of the CERES-1 Y2 commercial rocket last December marked an important milestone for Chinese private space companies.  This is the second time rocket developer Galactic Energy - a Beijing-based aerospace company has put a satellite into orbit.

In recent years, Chinese aerospace startups have attracted a huge amount of investment.

The launch of the CERES-1 Y2 commercial rocket last December marked an important milestone for Chinese private space companies.  This is the second time rocket developer Galactic Energy - a Beijing-based aerospace company has put a satellite into orbit.

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2021 is a major turning point for space exploration and tourism when a series of projects backed by top billionaires (Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk and Richard Branson) have launched commercial flights to space and attracted a lot of attention.

2021 is a major turning point for space exploration and tourism when a series of projects backed by top billionaires (Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk and Richard Branson) have launched commercial flights to space and attracted a lot of attention.

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Virgin Galactic’s Space Travel Ticket costs $450,000

Virgin Galactic has officially announced the sale opening of tickets to the public for the first time with a deposit of $150,000 in advance is required.

Virgin Galactic has officially announced the sale opening of tickets to the public for the first time with a deposit of $150,000 in advance is required.

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Which Country is launching an Artificial Moon?

China has built a research facility that simulates low-gravity environment on the moon which will strengthen its lunar exploration activities.

China has built a research facility that simulates low-gravity environment on the moon which will strengthen its lunar exploration activities.

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Boeing is licensed to launch Internet satellite constellation

On November 3, the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) announced that it had granted a license to aircraft manufacturer Boeing to launch a satellite project to provide Internet services from space.

On November 3, the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) announced that it had granted a license to aircraft manufacturer Boeing to launch a satellite project to provide Internet services from space.

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Billionaire Jeff Bezos’s industrial park in space - A feasible plan?

Billionaire Jeff Bezos' aerospace company has just announced plan to develop a space station along with a wide range of other companies and partners.

Billionaire Jeff Bezos\' aerospace company has just announced plan to develop a space station along with a wide range of other companies and partners.

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Australian-made rover will be launched to Moon as early as 2026

Australia cooperates with NASA to send homemade rover to the Moon as early as 2026.

Australia cooperates with NASA to send homemade rover to the Moon as early as 2026.

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