Study Finds Childcare Costs Driving Parents Into Debt and Abortion

Pregnant Then Screwed warns that rising childcare costs may deter parents from having children, posing a threat to the economy.


Childcare costs are becoming a significant burden for parents, with new research showing that many are being driven into debt and even to abortion. According to a study by Pregnant Then Screwed, over half of mothers who have had an abortion (52.5%) cited the high cost of childcare as the primary reason for terminating their pregnancy. Additionally, 45% of parents have had to resort to borrowing money or dipping into their savings to cover childcare expenses, marking a 30% increase from the previous year.

Study Finds Childcare Costs Driving Parents Into Debt and Abortion

The impact of childcare costs on parents' ability to work is also evident, with one in three mothers (33.6%) unable to return to full-time employment due to the financial burden or lack of availability of childcare services. This is in stark contrast to fathers, of whom only 11.9% face similar challenges. Single parents are particularly vulnerable, with half of them having to borrow money to afford childcare.

In response to these challenges, the government has announced plans to expand free childcare provisions for working families. By September 2025, eligible parents will be entitled to 30 hours of free childcare each week until their children reach school age. However, it is important to note that children whose parents earn less than £8,670 per year are not eligible for the scheme, potentially depriving them of crucial early development opportunities.


The rising cost of childcare is placing a heavy financial burden on parents, with some even being forced to make difficult decisions such as abortion. While efforts are being made to expand free childcare provisions, there are still gaps that leave certain families without support. Addressing these challenges is crucial to ensuring that all children have access to quality care and early education.

Study Finds Childcare Costs Driving Parents Into Debt and Abortion

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