How to live a Scandi (Scandinavian lifestyle)/Nordic lifestyle?

Have you ever heard about the (ScandiScandinavian lifestyle /Nordic lifestyle? It is one of the most popular lifestyle trends in the world recent years. What are the special things about (Scandi) Scandinavian lifestyle /Nordic lifestyle? Why should we follow this lifestyle trends? How can we live a (ScandiScandinavian lifestyle Nordic lifestyle? Let’s find out through the article below.


Table of Contents
  • I – (Scandi lifestyle) Scandinavian / Nordic Culture

    II – (Scandi) Scandinavian / Nordic Design

    1. Choose subdued colors

    2. Warm and cozy textiles

    3. Less is more

    III- (Scandi) Scandinavian / Nordic wellness 

    1- Hygge: 'Wellness' In The (Scandi) Scandinavian / Nordic Way

    2- Experience (Scandi) Scandinavian / Nordic Cuisine and Food Culture

    IV- (Scandi lifestyle) Scandinavian / Nordic lifestyle Habits

    1. Avoid arguments at all costs

    2. Enjoy doing exercises
  • 3. Try eating your biggest meal earlier in the day

    4. Be in the nature

    5. Take off your shoes first

    V- Danish modern lifestyle trends

    1. Remove clutter from your home

    2. Design a cozy space

    3. Drink warm drinks

    4. Read a book

    5. Practice gratitude

    6. Take up a new hobby or resume an old one

    7. Eat healthily

Have you ever heard about the (Scandi lifestyle) Scandinavian lifestyle /Nordic lifestyle? It is one of the most popular lifestyle trends in the world recent years. What are the special things about (Scandi lifestyle) Scandinavian lifestyle /Nordic lifestyle? Why should we follow this lifestyle trends? How can we live a (Scandi lifestyle) Scandinavian lifestyle Nordic lifestyle? Let’s find out through the article below.

How to live a Scandi (Scandinavian lifestyle)/Nordic lifestyle? People are obsessed with (Scandi) Scandinavian/Nordic Culture especially “Hygge” (pronounced “HOO-guh”) or "Hooga" in English / Ph: pexels

I – (Scandi lifestyle) Scandinavian / Nordic Culture

While Scandinavia is a region in Northern Europe traditionally including the three kingdoms of Denmark, Norway and Sweden. Nordic countries are Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Iceland, including their associated territories. Hence, Scandinavia can be considered a subset of the Nordic countries. The greatest thing about the (Scandi) Scandinavian culture is the strong connection between people. They live like a family that always help other in need. That may be the reason why (Scandi) Scandinavian countries usually are the happiest countries in the world. They have free health care and education. They also receive monetary help from the state if necessary. Besides, they fight for the eco-system and for ecological foods. The environment in Nordic countries are always clean and fresh.

How to live a Scandi (Scandinavian lifestyle)/Nordic lifestyle?

Denmark – the happiest country in the world in 2019 / Ph: Pixabay

These years, more and more people are obsessed with (Scandi) Scandinavian/Nordic Culture especially “Hygge” (pronounced “HOO-guh”) or "Hooga" in English. There is no exact translation for “Hygge”. We only know that Hygge (Hooga) is all about coziness and the comfort feeling you create for yourself. Hygge (Hooga)  makes a lot of impacts on the other countries’ cultures. For example, in America, the entire IKEA catalog is strongly affected by the Hygge (Hooga).

II – (Scandi) Scandinavian / Nordic Design

You may have heard about (Scandi) Scandinavian design which makes you fall in love at first sight. Let’s go through a list of the defining factors of (Scandi) Scandinavian design.

How to live a Scandi (Scandinavian lifestyle)/Nordic lifestyle?


1. Choose subdued colors

Color acts as a backdrop for the rest of the design and connects all the decoration together. And in (Scandi) Scandinavian spaces, the top colors are the bright, light, and airy ones. It would be a good choice if you are stick to pastel shades and go heavy on neutrals. You also add a bit more color but don’t forget to keep everything simple and subdued.

2. Warm and cozy textiles

(Scandi) Scandinavian spaces are meant to be comfort and cozy. As to create that coziness, you can decorate your space with some accent pieces like wool, mohair, sheepskin throws. The shades of gray, like Charcoal or natural textures, like burlap will make your space warmer.

3. Less is more

“Less is more” is one of the key success of Nordic design. By removing all the unnecessary items, you will have more space for creation or relaxation. For example, you can plant some trees or create extra space for reading.

III- (Scandi) Scandinavian / Nordic wellness 

1- Hygge: 'Wellness' In The (Scandi) Scandinavian / Nordic Way

Have you ever heard about Hygge (Hooga)? If you haven’t known yet, Hygge (Hooga) (pronounced "HOO-guh") is the (Scandi)  Scandinavian lifestyle trend taking the world by storm. Within three years, there are more than 20 books on the subject. And the top best-seller is “How to Hygge: The Nordic Secrets to a Happy Life” written by Norwegian food writer Signe Johansen.

How to live a Scandi (Scandinavian lifestyle)/Nordic lifestyle?

“How to Hygge: The Nordic Secrets to a Happy Life”  /Ph: Goodreads

Now let’s discover:

Does Hygge (Hooga) - The (Scandi) Scandinavian / Nordic's Secret to a Happy Life?

Smilar to the German concept of gemütlichkeit and the Dutch idea of gezelligheid, Hygge is a culture of coziness. It is about making ourselves comfortable and enjoying every little moment of our lives. This cozy lifestyle has been a key part of Danish culture since the early 1800s when the word “Hygge” (Hooga) first appeared in the written language. Hygge (Hooga)is more than a way of life for Danes. In 2016, after several books about Hygge (Hooga) were published in the UK, it became so popular that it was on the top of the Collins Words of the Year for 2016.

In 2017, it was America's turn to go for hygge. The Hygge (Hooga) covered all the famous newspaper/magazine from The New York Times to The New Yorker. It has also been on top trending on social media. Up to now, there more than 4 million posts on Instagram with Hygge (Hooga) hashtag. 

2- Experience (Scandi) Scandinavian / Nordic Cuisine and Food Culture

(Scandi) Scandinavia food culture which is distinctive, is influenced by Nordic and Viking traditions. There are diverse and various ingredients sourced from the land and sea. Dishes found across Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Denmark, and Finland are unique and impressive.

How to live a Scandi (Scandinavian lifestyle)/Nordic lifestyle?

Discover Scandinavian/Nordic food /Ph: Pixabay

2.1. (Scandi) Scandinavian / Nordic food trends

Consumption patterns and attitudes are shifting in the Nordic area towards a more plant-based diet. According to a survey from Ernst & Young, due to health and environmental reasons, 24% of Nordic consumers say that they will eat less meat while 34% of the Nordic consumers say predict that they will eat more vegetarian food in the next five years. This food trend is similar in Sweden where approximately 30% of Swedish young people have eaten more plant-based food to reduce their environmental footprints, according to the Swedish Youth Barometer. Additionally, the young consumers in Denmark also choose to be "flexitarian" that means they choose not to eat meat at a certain number of meals per week.

2.2. Top food trends for (Scandi) Scandinavian / Nordic region

Finnish food manufacturer Fazer has introduced the top 5 (Scandi) Scandinavian/Nordic food trends based on a 4000-strong survey and analyst insight. 

New protein

More and more (Scandi) Scandinavian are interested in plant-based protein like soy bean, pea. The plant-based “green revolution” is predicted to reduce a large amount of carbon dioxide and improve the environment condition.

How to live a Scandi (Scandinavian lifestyle)/Nordic lifestyle?

They prefer plant-based protein /Ph: Pixabay

Wisdom from Asia

Alternative Hindu medicine Ayurveda takes a holistic wellness approach to diet and teaches individuals to choose foods that nourish their body type. For example, they pay more attention to certain healthy ingredients such as olive oil to improve their health and wellness.


Color will continue to be top trending in the beverage category. However, the manufactures will create hues from natural, botanical, and plant-based ingredients not the chemical ones.

Pulse-based pastries

There will be a dramatic increase in using pulse like chickpeas, beans. The different types of pulse allow manufactures create a naturally tasty flavor of cakes, muffin, etc.

Attractive looks

The consumers not only care about the health benefits of the food they eat, but also how they look. They prefer the food to be more attractive and distinctive. Overall, the main reason for the rising of (Scandi) Scandinavian/Nordic trends is the increase of conscious consumers. Those consumer pay much attention to their health and wellness as the environment.

IV- (Scandi lifestyle) Scandinavian / Nordic lifestyle Habits

Now, it’s time to address the (Scandi lifestyle) Scandinavian lifestyle  / Nordic lifestyle habits.

1. Avoid arguments at all costs

Scandinavians prefer repressing their emotions and sitting quietly when they are about to get in a fight. If you are trying to force them pick sides on a subject, they will feel uncomfortable and sometimes consider you are not friend anymore which are Scandinavia factsHence, learn to be calm and avoid arguments at all costs.

2. Enjoy doing exercises

There are other Scandinavia facts that exercising is an essential part of (Scandi) Scandinavian’s daily life. You can see them use bicycles or public transports to go around rather than private transports. They try to practice exercise everyday even it is a day with bad weather. So you can follow them to do more exercise such as bicycling, jogging, skiing, etc. There are thousands of ways for you to do exercise both indoor and outdoor. Let’s try your best to keep fit in a wellness way and save the environment by reducing the CO2 from vehicles.

How to live a Scandi (Scandinavian lifestyle)/Nordic lifestyle?

Let’s practice more exercise /Ph: Pixabay

3. Try eating your biggest meal earlier in the day

It would be better if you have your biggest meal earlier in day because you can digest it better. For most Scandinavians, their main meal “Middag” is usually served in the middle of the day or around 4-5pm during their workdays. If you are hungry before going to bed, you can have a small "pre-bed" snack from fruits, milk (milk from nuts is highly recommended). A snack will help you be full but you have to remember to eat it at least 2 hours before going to bed. Because eating too late can cause some digestion problems.

4. Be in the nature

(Scandi) Scandinavian landscapes are majestic, with countries such as Norway, Finland and Iceland – some the most beautiful countries in the world. Scandinavians spend a lot of time in nature, discover new places, and enjoy every moment being in the nature. Nature is a friend that helps you reduce stress, enhance wellness and be more energetic. Hence, find a nature close to where you live and visit it often. Or maybe, you can go for a walk and pay more attention to the beautiful natural scenes around.

5. Take off your shoes first

Your shoes are coated in dirt, sand, city grossness,… whatever, right? You don’t want to drag them inside your beautiful house, right? Hence, taking off your shoes and walking barefoot (or wearing comfortable socks) are the simple ways to make you completely relaxed. This simple wellness habit will improve the health of both your feet and the floors. It may be awkward at the first times to convince yourself and your guests to leave the shoes outside but keep working for the your benefits.

V- Danish modern lifestyle trends

How to live Hygge (Hooga) -Danish modern lifestyle trends of Happiness? You can easily practice Hygge (Hooga) through some simple ways below.

1. Remove clutter from your home

The first thing to do to relax is to remove clutter from your home. Tidy space can help clear your mind and recharge your energy. That’s why you should:

- Get rid of the unused or useless things like clothes you never wear

- Make your bed every morning


- Divide the household tasks so you can easily clean your home room by room

- Think carefully before buying anything and always stick to the rule: Only buy what you need.

2. Design a cozy space

Hygge (Hooga) is about making yourself comfortable. And to be comfortable, you have to design a comfortable space for yourself. Find a quiet space where you can sit with a coffee or book and relax after a tiring day. You can decorate your space in your own style but you have to keep it simple and have plants or natural décor. It would be better if you have a space next a window and have a fluffy blanket to add comfort.

3. Drink warm drinks

Warm drinks like tea or hot chocolate, give you a warm feeling inside that help your body relaxed. Hence, take the time during your day to drink through it slowly and enjoy the flavor and moment.

4. Read a book

Get in your warm place and read a book. Reading will not only relax your mind but also widen your knowledge. While you can also listen to soft music like Baroque to fully relax and focus on the book only. It would be better reading from natural light rather than keeping an overhead lamp on.

5. Practice gratitude

Being grateful is the key secret to being happy all the times. Learn to feel thankful for the little things such as the beautiful weather, a cup of hot chocolate, etc. Being grateful to all the little things in life will not only make you happier but also more helpful and less materialistic. Additionally, it also helps you live longer with more joyful.

6. Take up a new hobby or resume an old one

Learning new things gives you a chance to slow down and refresh yourself. For example, you can learn painting. It is a great activity to paint what you like, your emotions, etc. Painting also boosts your creation and helps you be more patient. The other recommended Hygge (Hooga) activities are:

- Making handmade crafts

- Quilting

- Meditating

- Making a collage for a scrapbook

- Writing

7. Eat healthily

A happy stomach makes a happy mind. That’s why you should avoid eating sweets and fast food like fried chicken, hamburger, etc. Let’s spend time cooking healthy and wellness meals with family. This will not only improve your health but also make the family relationship closer and stronger. It may not be easy to live a (Scandi lifestyle) Scandinavian lifestyle / Nordic lifestyle, but let’s practice some of (Scandi) Scandinavian/Nordic habits. Because those will make your life more relaxing and more comfortable. If you find this article useful, let’s give us a Like and follow Vuhes daily because we will be back with more exciting information about (Scandi lifestyle) Scandinavian lifestyle, Nordic lifestyle and other hottest lifestyle trends all over the world.

How to live a Scandi (Scandinavian lifestyle)/Nordic lifestyle?

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