Origin of coffee plant

Why coffee has such quintessential value and intangible strength, in order to answer this question, today we will truly find out the origin of the coffee plant and outstanding events about coffee plant.


Table of Contents

    coffee plant / ph: pinterest
  •  In 850 began to discover coffee plant
  • In 1100 coffee plant came to Saudi Arabia
  • History of the word "Coffee"
  • In 1457 coffee plant came to Turkey
  •  In 1511 coffee plant with political influence?
  • In 1570 coffee plant came to Italy
  • In 1600 coffee plant came to India
  •  Year 1654
  • In 1668 coffee plant appeared in America
  •  Year 1672
  •  Year 1686
  •  In 1669 coffee plant came to the Netherlands
  • In 1710 Coffee bag fabric begins, the origin of brewed coffee?
  •  In 1713 Coffee is considered a precious gift to give to King LOUIS XIV
  •  1714 -> 1720
  •  In 1721 The first cafe was opened in Berlin, Germany
  •  1730 - the year for the origin of Arabica coffee
  •  In 1818 the first coffee pot was invented
  •  In 1864
  •  In 1901 Commercial coffee machine is invented
  •  In 1903
Coffee is a popular drink and almost indispensable for many people (an average of 2.25 billion cups of coffee in the world per day).  Most people use coffee for the morning and a sandwich, free lunch, or a Sunday chatting with friends.  Coffee brings intangible cultural values ​​to people, and heals us together.
 Why coffee has such quintessential value and intangible strength, in order to answer this question, today we will truly find out the origin of the coffee plant and outstanding events about coffee plant.

Origin of coffee plant

coffee plant / ph: pinterest

 In 850 began to discover coffee plant

 The coffee plant was discovered accidentally in Ethiopia, by a goat herd named Kaldi, when he saw his goat dance strangely after eating the red ripe fruit.  Kaldi also tasted the red fruits, and surprisingly, he also felt really comfortable and alert.

 Kaldi picked red fruits, brought them to his Patriarch and talked about the magic that red fruit brings.  Upon hearing that, the Archangel showed an angry expression, throwing all those fruits into the fire.  Shortly thereafter, the seductive aroma of the burned red fruits really attracted the attention of the other missionaries.  They immediately took the burned fruits, soaked them in water, and drank them.  Fortunately, the missionaries are completely alert and energetic, performing the rituals of prayer and communication with God all night.
 Since then, the drink has been popularized to the Muslim city walls, and has become a mandatory drink in the rites of the clergy.  It was the Muslim mullah that made coffee so popular in the Arab world.

In 1100 coffee plant came to Saudi Arabia

Arab traders brought Ethiopian coffee beans to Yemen.  They started growing coffee plant on the plantations.  At this time, people only brew coffee by adding seeds to water and boiling.  This sobriety drink should be enjoyed while still in accordance with the strict rules of the Koran, so it is gradually popular in the Muslim world.

History of the word "Coffee"

Many researchers believe that the word "Coffee" can be derived from the word "Qahwa" and it has been widely used to this day.
 Some others believe that the word "Coffee" is named after a small town in Ethiopia, which is "Kaffa".  Others say the town "Kaffa" is named after "Coffee".

 In 1454, a drink of social integration

Coffee gradually spread in the vicinity of Mecca (a city in the Saudi plains), the first cafes opened, they were called Kaveh, where the events took place.  religious meetings, singing and talk gatherings.  Coffee has truly become a drink of social change.

In 1457 coffee plant came to Turkey

Several cafes were opened in Constaintinople, which became the venue for political discussions, meetings and debates.  Coffee shop has become a typical cultural feature of Turkey.  They once had a law that allowed a wife to divorce her husband who did not provide her with enough coffee every day.

 In 1511 coffee plant with political influence?

 Just 50 years after the first coffee shop went public in Mecca, Governor Khayr Bey ordered the closure of all cafes in Constaintinople, for he feared that the politics in the cafes would incubate.  seeds for political intrigues, reactionary attempts, revolutions against and overthrowing him.  However, the King of Cairo, who is a coffee enthusiast, disagrees and has canceled the ban.

In 1570 coffee plant came to Italy

 Coffee was first appeared in Venice (a famous city of Italy), this precious drink was only served to the aristocracy and the wealthy.

In 1600 coffee plant came to India

Coffee, a precious and sacred drink, the Arabs just wanted to keep the coffee exclusive for themselves.  If they export coffee beans, they will boil the coffee beans, ensuring the coffee cannot sprout, so the beans become more valuable and many people try to sneak the beans out.

 Baba Budan, an Indian, went on a pilgrimage to Mecca, hiding unroasted coffee beans on his return to India.  Today, one third of Indian coffee production comes from these first beans.  To commemorate the merit of Baba Budan people took his name to name a town in India.

 Meanwhile, in Venice, Christians recognized the popularity of coffee, the "ghost drink" of the pagans of the Ottoman Empire.  Pope Clement VIII decided to test this "ghost drink too".  After being verified, the seductive aroma and flavor completely fascinated him.  “Why is this delicious drink exclusive to the heathen and enjoy, I will purify, so that coffee can become a Christian drink, thank God for giving us this wonderful drink.  this "

 In 1652 the top cafes in London (England) and history of coffee roasting

 Pasqua Rosee, a Jewish immigrant who pioneered the first coffee shop in London (famous English city), he roasted coffee at home and sold coffee to everyone (it's time  officially born coffee roasting, he opened up a completely new trend and style of enjoying coffee for everyone and all classes.

 The origin of the market economy
 Coffee has become a miracle drink.  By the eighteenth century, London had about 200 cafes, multi-style, suitable for all different subjects.  The coffee shop is a place to exchange information, chat, work desk and do business.  It is in these cafes that many new industries and types of business were born: Insurance, securities….  (The origin of the market economy is here)

 Year 1654

 More than 70 years later, coffee was introduced in Venice, the first coffee shop opened to serve tourists and merchants.  Forian cafe (in Italy), catering to the rich and aristocrats.  This famous cafe is still open today.
 Just 30 years later, more than 200 cafes were opened in Venice.

In 1668 coffee plant appeared in America

 Coffee is available in North America, soon after that many cafes opened in New York, Philadelpha, Boston (US cities) and more towns.  The New York Stock Exchange and the Bank of New York also embryo right here in these cafes (Wall Street today).

 Year 1672

 Pascal, an Armenian was the first person to sell coffee cups to the Parisians (French).  Pascal drove the waiters around the streets of Paris and advertised "Coffee, coffee." They brought cups and jugs of coffee and served customers on site.

 Coffee became a popular drink and did not have the same class distinction it had in the beginning.

 In Paris, many cafes began to appear in popularity, from cafes for the popular class to those for the nobility and the elite.

 Year 1686

 Francesco Procopio dei Coltelli an Italian who opened the Café Procope cafe, the first literary cafe in Paris.  This is the oldest cafe where the "Capital of Light" is located and is still open to this day at 13 rue del’Ancienne Comédie.

 In 1669 coffee plant came to the Netherlands

 This time, the Dutch also selected good coffee plant seeds, brought to the country for planting.  But due to the not suitable soil and climate conditions for coffee plant.  Then, the Dutch brought valuable coffee plant beans grown in the Batavia archipelago (now Java-Indonesia).  Coffee plant was grown in large plantations, where they forced the native slaves to plant and care for the coffee plant.  In 1704, the first coffee plant beans were harvested on these plantations, supplying coffee mainly to the European market.

In 1710 Coffee bag fabric begins, the origin of brewed coffee?

The French like to improve the way of brewing coffee, they put the coffee in a cloth bag and soak it in boiling water, the coffee is extracted while the coffee grounds are not mixed, they enjoy the cup of coffee.  not mixed with coffee powder (coffee filter origin).

 In 1713 Coffee is considered a precious gift to give to King LOUIS XIV

 In France, King Louis XIV was gifted a valuable coffee plant by the Dutch.  Valuable coffee plant were grown by the king in the royal garden and kept carefully guarded.

 1714 -> 1720

 A few years later, Gabrial Mathieu de Clieu, a young naval admiral, arrived in Paris after returning from the French colonial Martinique Islands.  The young officer was attracted by the precious coffee plant in the royal garden.  He wanted very much to bring the coffee plant to grow in the Martinique archipelago, but was rejected by the king.

 That night, Gabrial Mathieu de Clieu broke into the garden and stole a coffee plant back to Martinique.  And finally coffee plant were planted in many colonial islands of France.

 Fifty years later, 19 million coffee plant have grown in parts of the Mediterranean, Central America and South America, from the very first coffee plant.

 Also around this time, coffee was officially introduced in the US.

 In 1721 The first cafe was opened in Berlin, Germany

 The first coffee shop has opened in Berlin - Germany
 The Brazilian government has realized that coffee is their future, their survival factor.  With the guise: to settle a border dispute between French Guiana and Dutch Guiana, the Brazilian government summoned Francisco de Melo Palheta to join the negotiation.  But the main purpose is the coffee plant.  After all these efforts Francisco has achieved success in peace negotiations.  But he was not approved by the French government to cede coffee plant.  Highly determined to fulfill the impossible task, he once again ventured to show his bravery.  During the dinner before returning home, he seduced the governor's beautiful wife.  Finally, on the way back, respect the young lover's nostalgia, holding a bouquet of lavender flowers, and inside are coffee seedlings.  He did an outstanding job of bringing back his first coffee seedlings to Brazil.

 It is these first coffee plant, that Brazil has become a world leading coffee producing country today.

 1730 - the year for the origin of Arabica coffee

 Nicolas Law, British colonial governor in Jamaica, a British colony, is famous for hunting down notorious pirates operating in the area.  He was the first person to bring coffee plant to grow in the Blue Mountain mountains, Jamaica.  Today Arabica coffee plant grown in the Blue Mountain mountains is one of the most delicious and valuable coffees in the world.

 In 1818 the first coffee pot was invented

 Laurens, a smith, the French invented the first coffee pot.

 In 1822 the first name Espresso coffee machine


 Louis Bernard Rabaut, a Frenchman, invented the first Espresso coffee machine by using hot and high pressure water to make the coffee maker.

 In 1864

 Jabez Burns, from New York, is hailed as the creator of the world's first coffee roaster, the forerunner of today's modern coffee roaster.  He patented this great invention in coffee.

 In 1901 Commercial coffee machine is invented

 Luigi Bezzara, who is Y, patented the first-name commercial coffee machine.

 The machine uses hot water and steam, the pressure of the steam of the coffee plant beans quickly and completely it is named the Espresso machine.

 His dharma stems from the fact that employees take a long time (about 10 minutes) to make a cup of coffee during breaks.  The Espresso machine was born, saving employees time, which meant increasing labor time, increasing productivity and profits.

 In 1903

 Brazil's coffee export volume accounts for 97% of world coffee production.

 In 1909, Geore Constant Washington, the British chemist, produced the world's first instant coffee.

 In 2000 the first Barista contest was held in Monte Carlo.

 2009 to present
 Coffee has become the most popular drink in the world, on average about 2.25 billion cups of coffee is consumed every day in the world.  The United States is an importer of 27% of global coffee production.  The value of global coffee transactions is second only to oil.

Origin of coffee plant

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