If you want to live longer and healthier, your body needs to get energy from the most nutrient-dense foods.  Many studies show that plant-based foods make you feel energized, reduce risk of diseases, and allow you to maintain a healthy body.

If you want to live longer and healthier, your body needs to get energy from the most nutrient-dense foods.  Many studies show that plant-based foods make you feel energized, reduce risk of diseases, and allow you to maintain a healthy body.


1- Brassicaceae vegetables

Brassicaceae vegetables as Broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprout, kale or cabbage are the most nutritious of all foods.  The substances contained in Brassicaceae vegetables have the ability to change human hormones, activate the body's natural detoxification system and inhibit the growth of cancer cells.  They need to be chewed well or chopped before eating, squeezing or blending to release substances with strong anti-cancer effects.  The plant sulforaphanes in Brassicaceae vegetables help protect blood vessel walls against inflammation that can lead to heart disease.

2- Green leafy vegetables

Green leafy vegetables as fresh raw kale, broccoli, mustard greens, spinach or lettuce... are very low in calories (under 100 calories per 450g), making them Ideal foods for weight control.  In addition to weight loss, a high intake of green leafy vegetables reduces the risk of heart attack, stroke, diabetes and some cancers.  Green leafy vegetables are also rich in folate and B vitamins, lutein and zeaxanthin, carotenoids that help protect the eyes from damage.

3- Tomatoes

Health-promoting nutrients can be found in tomatoes as lycopene, vitamins C and E, beta-carotene, and the antioxidant flavonol.  Lycopene is particularly protective against prostate cancer, UV-induced skin damage, and cardiovascular disease.  About 85% of the lycopene in the US diet comes from tomatoes.  Lycopene is more easily absorbed when tomatoes are cooked.  Also keep in mind that carotenoids like lycopene are best absorbed when eaten with healthy fats, so it's best to enjoy tomatoes in a salad with nuts.

4- Onions and garlic

Onions are a heart-healthy and immune-healthy food as well as having anti-diabetic and anti-cancer effects.  Onions and garlic contain organosulfur compounds that help prevent cancer growth by detoxifying carcinogens, stopping the growth of cancer cells, and stopping vascular neoplasia.  These compounds are released when they are chopped, crushed, or chewed.  

What Foods to Eat on the Longevity Diet?
What Foods to Eat on the Longevity Diet? / ph: pexels 

Onions also contain flavonoids which are health-promoting antioxidants that have anti-inflammatory effects that may contribute to cancer prevention.  It is recommended to use garlic, chives and onions as spices in daily cooking.

5- Mushrooms

Mushrooms contain aromatase inhibitors which inhibit estrogen production.  White mushrooms and shiitake mushrooms have a protective effect against breast cancer.  Studies on different types of mushrooms have found anti-inflammatory effects, boosting immune cell activity, preventing DNA damage, and slowing cancer cell growth.  Mushrooms must be cooked thoroughly before eating.

6- Beans

Consuming beans daily helps stabilize blood sugar, reduce appetite and fight colon cancer.  As the richest source of starch, beans act as an antidiabetic and weight loss medicine because they are digested slowly, reducing the rise in blood glucose after meals and helping to suppress appetite by creating feeling full.  Eating peas or lentils twice a week reduces the risk of colon cancer by 50%.  Red beans, black beans, green beans are also very good for health.

7- Whole grains

Whole grains especially as oats, walnuts, almonds are rich in nutrients, plant proteins, fiber, antioxidants, phytosterols and minerals which have low glycemic index so they are essential foods in the diet for people with diabetes.  Eating whole grains regularly lowers cholesterol thereby reducing the risk of heart disease by 35%.

8- Nuts

Nuts provide healthy fats, minerals and antioxidants, protein and are high in trace minerals.  Flax seeds, chia seeds, and hemp are rich in omega-3 fats.  Flaxseed, chia and sesame are rich in phytoestrogens that fight breast cancer.  Sesame seeds are rich in calcium and vitamin E, and pumpkin seeds are especially rich in zinc.  To get the most nutritional benefits, it's best eaten raw or just roast.

9- Berries

Berries are rich in heart-healthy antioxidants.  Studies show that people who eat blueberries or strawberries daily for several weeks have improvements in blood pressure, reduced oxidative stress, and lower LDL cholesterol.  Berries also have anti-cancer properties and are great brain foods which help to prevent cognitive decline and slow aging.

10- Pomegranate

Pomegranate is a unique fruit that is packed with antioxidant phytochemicals.  The phytochemicals from pomegranate have anti-cancer effects, protect the healthy heart and brain.  One study of patients with severe carotid artery occlusion who drank 30ml of pomegranate juice daily for 1 year found a 30% reduction in atherosclerotic plaque.  In another study in the elderly who drank pomegranate juice daily for 28 days had better memory than those who drank a placebo drink.


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There is a big difference in the life span of people stemming from the daily habits in which eating is very important.  Many studies show that good habits can increase longevity.

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There is a big difference in the life span of people stemming from the daily habits in which eating is very important.  Many studies show that good habits can increase longevity.

Long and healthy life is the dream of most people. Here is a list of foods to eat to prolong life that are both delicious and very healthy, helping you to increase longevity if eaten regularly.

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