Daily Coffee drinkers Live Longer - Says New Study

A new study shows that coffee drinkers who drink coffee daily are less likely to die early than those who don't drink coffee.

A new study shows that coffee drinkers who drink coffee daily are less likely to die early than those who don't drink coffee.

Over the period of seven years, researchers from the Southern Medical University in Guangzhou, China, studied the habits and overall health of more than 171,000 people, mostly those without cancer or chronic diseases in the UK.

Daily Coffee drinkers Live Longer - Says New StudyDaily Coffee drinkers Live Longer - Says New Study / ph: pexels 

Finally, they found that people who regularly drank unsweetened coffee had a 15 to 21% lower risk of death than those who didn't.  The study also found that people who drank one to four cups of lightly sweetened coffee per day had a 29 to 31% lower risk of death.

The results of this study have just been published in the Annals of Internal Medicine journal.

The researchers studied the habits of 171,616 participants whose average age was 55.6 years, comparing those who drank unsweetened, sweetened and artificially sweetened coffee.

While sweetened and unsweetened coffees show a link between coffee consumption and a reduced risk of early death, the data for a cup of artificially sweetened coffee have less consistent result.

However this isn't the first study to demonstrate the benefits of coffee.

A cup of coffee or a few cups of coffee a day helps drinkers have a healthier liver and helps them reduce the risk of heart failure.  According to the Mayo Clinic, caffeinated beverages may also protect alcoholics from Parkinson's disease or type 2 diabetes.

While there are some risks associated with high caffeine consumption such as a temporary increase in blood pressure or increase in cholesterol in the case of boiled coffee and unfiltered; however the benefits seem to be much more.

But you shouldn’t overuse coffee.

Although 400 milligrams of coffee or about four cups of coffee are safe for adults, they can cause a lot of restless feeling in drinkers.

Drinking too much caffeine each day can cause headaches, insomnia, nervousness, irritability, muscle tremors or heart palpitations.  This means you need to limit drinking too much coffee.

Furthermore, consuming too much coffee can also cause iron deficiency which can lead to premature hair loss.

Daily Coffee drinkers Live Longer - Says New Study

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