What is erectile dysfunction? Causes and Treatments

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is an obsession of many men today.  According to experts, although it is not life-threatening, the erectile dysfunction disease seriously affects the physiological ability, even leading to infertility.  Therefore, early recognition of the erectile dysfunction symptoms and erectile dysfunction treatment is essential that every man should perform to protect his own health.


Table of Contents

    There are many causes of erectile dysfunction, from living factors to the pathology / ph: pexels

     I- What is erectile dysfunction?

    1. Due to age causes erectile dysfunction

    3. Smoking, drinking a lot of alcohol and beer

     4. Hormonal decline

     5. Due to pathology - The most dangerous cause

    III- Erectile dysfunction symptoms

    IV- Is Erectile dysfunction dangerous?

    1- Erectile dysfunction threatens fertility

     2- Direct threat to family happiness

     3- Serious influence on male psychology

    1. Erectile dysfunction treatment with Western medicine

    2. Erectile dysfunction treatment by vacuum pump method

    3. Surgical treatment of erectile dysfunction

     VI- Some notes when treating erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is an obsession of many men today.  According to experts, although it is not life-threatening, the erectile dysfunction disease seriously affects the physiological ability, even leading to infertility.  Therefore, early recognition of the erectile dysfunction symptoms and erectile dysfunction treatment is essential that every man should perform to protect his own health.

What is erectile dysfunction? Causes and Treatments

There are many causes of erectile dysfunction, from living factors to the pathology / ph: pexels

 I- What is erectile dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction is a common disease in men from 40 years old (accounting for more than 50%).  However, now the erections disease tends to rejuvenate, more common in men over 20-30 years old.  According to statistics, it is estimated that more than 150 million men globally have the disease.  This figure shows that erectile dysfunction is a popular male disease, affecting the health and psychology of men today.

Erectile dysfunction is understood as a type of sexual dysfunction in men.  Accordingly, the penis is not able to erect or the erections are not enough to carry out the process of intercourse.

This erectile dysfunction disease always makes men feel inferior, ashamed and even affects the ability to maintain a race.  Therefore, the earlier erectile dysfunction treatment is the advice of experts for men who are facing these erections condition.

II- What is the erectile dysfunction causes?

 There are many erectile dysfunction causes, from living factors to the pathology.  There are even causes that you are not expecting.  Therefore, building yourself a healthy lifestyle, periodic health checks is the way to minimize the risk of erectile dysfunction as well as other dangerous diseases.

 Psychophysiological is believed to be the most common erectile dysfunction causes, however, psychological causes often coexist with the physical or functional causes of ED.

Some of the most common erectile dysfunction causes today are:

1. Due to age causes erectile dysfunction

 Like many other male diseases, bonus erectile dysfunction is more common with a greater severity in older men.  Accordingly, the older the man, the more aging the body, the functions of the genitals also degenerate.  In addition, the amount of male sex hormone Testosterone has also decreased significantly, making men lose much desire to have sex, erectile dysfunction often occurs ...

2- Psychology is a common erectile dysfunction causes

 The erectile dysfunction causes can be attributed to psychological factors.  Accordingly, men who are constantly stressed and anxious for a long time will be more likely to get sick.

 In addition, the over-concentration of the hard erectile activity of the penis, trying to prove its performance in the sex work easily makes men suffer from erectile dysfunction.  Therefore, when having sex, men should let their mood relax and be comfortable while both prolonging sex and making both of them enjoy pleasure.

3. Smoking, drinking a lot of alcohol and beer

 Smoking cigarettes causes many dangerous health problems, including an increased risk of erectile dysfunction in men.  Accordingly, the toxic substances in cigarettes will reduce blood flow to the entire body, especially the penis, making it difficult for the penis to erect.

In addition, drinking too much alcohol will reduce the concentration of Testosterone in the body, decrease the quantity and quality of sperm, making you easily fall into depression, causing erectile dysfunction.  Even severe cases can cause permanent nerve damage that leads to impotence in men.

 4. Hormonal decline

 Hormonal insufficiency is one of the most common erectile dysfunction causes today.  Accordingly, when the male sex hormones Testosterone, Androgen decreases, the men will no longer be interested in the sex story, the tired body leads to the affected erections of the penis.

 5. Due to pathology - The most dangerous cause

This is one of the erectile dysfunction causes today.  Accordingly, if a man has some cardiovascular diseases, diabetes or oral health, it can affect the blood vessels and nerves, causing erectile dysfunction.

In particular, high blood pressure is the leading culprit causing many men to encounter this condition.  In people with high blood pressure, the blood vessels that supply the penis are damaged, causing the penis not to supply enough blood, leading to inability to get an erection or an erection that is insufficient for sex.

 The medical examination of men, if performed in under-operating facilities with no guarantee of medical conditions, will lead to many risks.  Therefore, men need to find out and choose the best quality medical facilities and medical examination to achieve the highest results in medical examination and erectile dysfunction treatment.

III- Erectile dysfunction symptoms

 Compared with many other male diseases, the manifestation of erectile dysfunction is quite easy to recognize.  Accordingly, men only need to pay attention to abnormal manifestations of the penis to be able to recognize the erectile dysfunction symptoms early.


- Men do not have a decrease in libido or desire

- The penis is not erect or the erections are not enough to perform sex

- Short erect penis time

- The penis can be erect but not at the right time (when having sex, it is soft but when working, it gets erect)

 In general, the erectile dysfunction symptoms are quite easy to spot from problems that occur in married life.  If a man encounters one of the above erectile dysfunction symptoms, a man should not be subjective or afraid.  Ideally, you should share it with your partner and go to the health facility for early check-ups in order to have erectile dysfunction cures effectively and safely.

IV- Is Erectile dysfunction dangerous?

 As mentioned above, erectile dysfunction is not life threatening but seriously affects the health, psychology and physiology of men.  Even if this situation continues for a long time, it can lead to infertility, threatening family happiness.

It is more remarkable here that the rate of rejuvenation of the disease is increasingly high.  Currently, the number of men in the 30-40 year olds who are infected is very large, so the consequences caused by erection problems are even more severe.  Specifically:

1- Erectile dysfunction threatens fertility

 When men with erectile dysfunction will not have much interest in sex life, low semen production, difficulty in ejaculation, short intercourse are factors that impair male fertility.  .  It can even lead to infertility, infertility, and affect family well-being.

 Where can you learn best about infertility exams?

 2- Direct threat to family happiness

 Erectile dysfunction that affects family happiness is unavoidable.  When the sex life needs are not satisfied, it will make both sides feel uncomfortable, and fall in love in the long run, causing conflicts that lead to bad problems.

 3- Serious influence on male psychology

 The psychology of being afraid and ashamed because they cannot satisfy their own needs make men easily fall into a state of crisis and stress.  Depression can even lead to depression, the fall into drugs, and seriously affect quality of life.

V- Current effective treatment of erectile dysfunction

The unsuccessful erectile dysfunction treatment is the concern of the unfortunate gentleman.  If in the past, when medicine was not developed, the main treatment was to apply home remedies for erectile dysfunction or natural remedies for erectile dysfunction that were only temporary and caused many effects, nowadays, the erectile dysfunction cures has become monotonous, much simpler and more efficient.

Accordingly, depending on the condition of the disease and the health of the man, the doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment methods.  Early detection and proper erectile dysfunction treatment are the decisive factors in whether a man can get rid of the erection problems or not.

1. Erectile dysfunction treatment with Western medicine

 This is one of the simple and economical erectile dysfunction cures today.  The use of medication is applied to men who have early detection of signs of erectile dysfunction, examination right from the first abnormalities of the body.  That is, in this case, men are still interested in sex, the penis can still be erect, but the erections are not enough and the erection time is short.

The main drugs used are PD5 inhibitors, vasodilators, and Testosterone supplements for the body.

-  PD5 inhibitors

 This is one of the erectile dysfunction drugs that is commonly used today.  In addition to oral tablets, PD5 inhibitors are also available as sublingual erectile dysfunction tablets to help men use them more conveniently.  PD5 inhibitors can be taken as a prescription or on request.  Specifically:

 On-demand medication: Patients take the erectile dysfunction drugs one hour before sex, then just need to have sexual desire stimulation, the penis will be naturally erect, men can have normal sex.

 Take medication according to your doctor's daily prescription: This is what is indicated after the on-demand medication has not worked.  However, the use of erectile dysfunction drugs continuously can cause some side effects such as dizziness, headache, nasal congestion ... Therefore, these erectile dysfunction treatment options are not currently selected by many doctors.

- Varicose veins

 Usually used in the form of a direct injection into the penis cavern.  Men are indicated to use these erectile dysfunction drugs when the body does not respond to PD5 inhibitors or the cause is related to diseases related to blood vessels and nerves.

 The erectile dysfunction drugs works quickly, helping the penis erect for a long time.  However, this can also cause some side effects such as injection site pain, bleeding, hardening of the penis cavernous and erect for too long, causing pain.

 - Testosterone supplements: is one of erectile dysfunction drugs that stimulates the body to produce Testosterone.  The drug is indicated in the case of diagnosis what causes erectile dysfunction is a decline in male sex hormones.

2. Erectile dysfunction treatment by vacuum pump method

Before appointing a patient for the erectile dysfunction treatment with the suction method, the doctor needs to examine the patient thoroughly.  This special tool consists of 3 parts: a plastic cylindrical tube, a vacuum pump attached to the cylinder and a rubber band tightening.

 Accordingly, when conducting a vacuum pump, the doctor will use a cylinder that covers the entire penis and presses it against the skin.  Next will proceed to pump active vacuum in the tube to "little boy" bulging erection, then cross the base of the penis with a rubber ring.  Maintain an erection for the penis for 30 minutes, the doctor will remove the constriction ring to return the penis to its natural state.

 Overall, the vacuum pump is a relatively safe and effective erectile dysfunction treatment if used correctly.  However, the method can also have some effects and is only temporary, so it is often preferred by elderly men with long-term relationships.

3. Surgical treatment of erectile dysfunction

 When the above erectile dysfunction cures are ineffective, the doctor will recommend a man to perform surgery.  This is a surgical intervention method that requires high requirements on the performance of the operator and the machine system.  Therefore, you should choose a reputable medical facility to ensure the best erectile dysfunction treatment results.

 Surgery for erectile dysfunction has 2 forms: prosthetic implantation and artery connection.  Specifically:


-  Implantation of prosthetic objects: The doctor will place an artificial cave object in the shape of 2 tubes into the male body and then place the fluid in front of the bladder.  Next, the pump will be placed in the middle of the scrotum so that the three systems are hidden inside the body.  There is a button "switch", each time the male presses the button, the penis will automatically erect.

- Arterial connection: This is a radical erectile dysfunction treatment that helps the arteries to circulate blood quickly, helping the penis to be naturally hardened.

 In addition, for erectile dysfunction treatment effectively, doctors also appoint patients to apply physical therapy exercises at home in combination with folk tips ... These are very supportive methods of treatment.  So men should pay attention to do it properly.

 Currently, how much money for a male examination is a problem that many people have to wonder.  However, men should not worry too much about this, but donot be afraid to see a doctor, because this is a necessary thing to help you monitor your physiological health as well as fertility.

 VI- Some notes when treating erectile dysfunction

In addition to complying with the doctor's instructions, men need to pay attention to the following issues to help the erectile dysfunction treatment be faster, safer and more effective.


- Supplement foods good for male physiological functions such as: oysters, avocados, oats, tomatoes, carrots ...

- Avoid the use of stimulants such as alcohol, beer, cigarettes

- Do not try to have sex when you have erectile dysfunction

- Regular exercise and sports, practice kegel exercises to improve male physiology

- Keep your mind at ease and relax

 Visiting health center according to the doctor's appointment, during treatment, if there is no results or unusual erectile dysfunction symptoms appear, you need to immediately go to the medical facilities to be checked early.

 Thus, erectile dysfunction is a dangerous disease in men, affecting health, psychology and fertility.  Patients should choose reputable medical facilities for consultation and treatment as soon as possible to avoid unwanted complications that may occur.

What is erectile dysfunction? Causes and Treatments

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