How To Live Long Life Without Disease?

Do below small things well is secret for a good health and long life.


Table of Contents

    1- Laugh out loud

    2- Dental care

    3- Eat nuts

    4- Eat garlic

    5- Dancing

    How to live long life without disease?

    Dancing is a healthy lifestyle which help increase life expectancy and secret for longevity / ph: pexels

    6- Less watching TV

    7- Eat apple

    Apple is one of longevity foods. Regularly eating apples is secret of long life / ph: pexels

    8- Drink tea

    9- Keep calm

    10- Eat less sugar

    11- High-quality sleep

    12- Eat broccoli

    13- Hug

    14- Eat green leafy vegetables

    15- Reduce calories

    16- Eat ginger

    17- Jogging

    18- Singing

Do below small things well is secret for a good health and long life.

We all are wondering of “how many days have i lived?”

So did you find out “how long will you live?”

What are ways to increase life expectancy? Eat frugal food?  Morning exercise or tonics?

After a long process of research, the World Health Organization has published the secrets of longevity, which are easy to do.

1- Laugh out loud

Japanese researchers have found that laughing can boost blood flow in the body, speed up metabolism, while the body helps lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes.  Keeping a good mood, smiling every day, will nourish your lungs and protect your body, and help your face look youthful.

2- Dental care

 Teeth are closely related to human health.  The number of teeth is adequate and of good quality, also beneficial for the chewing function, the body can eat a variety of nutritious foods, contributing to forming a scientific eating habit, helping the body to be healthy.

3- Eat nuts

Nuts is one kind of longevity foods. Regularly eating nuts is secret of long life.

Nuts contain unsaturated fatty acids, fiber, magnesium and vitamin E. Australian scholars have found that eating a handful of nuts every day can help the body break down bad cholesterol, preventing heart disease, 40% lower risk of diabetes.

4- Eat garlic

According to studies, the active ingredients in garlic can prevent atherosclerosis and coronary occlusion, lower cholesterol, reduce the formation of blood clots and regulate blood sugar levels.

5- Dancing

How to live long life without disease?

Dancing is a healthy lifestyle which help increase life expectancy and secret for longevity / ph: pexels

Dancing is a healthy lifestyle which help increase life expectancy and secret for longevity.

 Scientists at the University of Stirling in the UK have discovered that dancing can speed blood circulation and increase blood supply to the brain.  People who dance regularly, increase bone density and high bone calcium content.

6- Less watching TV

 A researcher at the University of Nevada in the United States followed 13,284 graduates for nearly 9 years.  The survey found that people who watch TV for at least three hours a day compared with those who watch TV an hour or less, are twice as likely to die prematurely.

7- Eat apple

 How to live long life without disease?

Apple is one of longevity foods. Regularly eating apples is secret of long life / ph: pexels

Apple is one of longevity foods. Regularly eating apples is secret of long life. Eating apples can effectively reduce the risk of cancer.  The potassium salt in apples neutralizes excess acids in the body, effectively reduces calcium loss and prevents osteoporosis, while vitamins and malic acid can break down fat, while preventing obesity.

8- Drink tea

After analysis and determination, tea contains more than 450 types of chemical ingredients beneficial for human health such as vitamins, lipids and caffeine.  Polyphenols in tea can prevent the synthesis of carcinogens in the body, it has the effect of destroying cancer cells and improving the body's immunity.

9- Keep calm

 Emotions are the fuel of life and negative emotions like anxiety and irritability can have negative effects on health.  Harvard researchers have found that, two hours after anger flares, people have a five-fold increased risk of a heart attack, and a three-fold increase in stroke risk.

10- Eat less sugar

 Eating sugar and sweet foods over a long period of time can lead to excessive insulin secretion, disrupting carbohydrate and fat metabolism, and leading to incidence of cardiovascular, cerebrovascular and other chronic diseases.  such as diabetes, cataracts, and rickets are relatively high.

11- High-quality sleep

 High quality sleep is a must for long life.  During sleep, digestive function, cardiopulmonary function and respiratory function are restored.  It helps regulate most physiological functions, improves immunity, and delays aging.  Studies at the University of Chicago show that high-quality sleep can reduce the risk of cancer.

12- Eat broccoli

Broccoli is one of longevity foods. Regularly eating broccoli is secret of long life

American scientists point out that eating broccoli can reduce the incidence of cancer, flavonoids in cauliflower can prevent platelets clumping, strengthen blood vessel wall pressure, improve immunity, reduce the incidence of heart disease and scurvy.

13- Hug

 In everyday life, a hug can express many emotions and helps release many intimate hormones - oxytocin.  British studies have shown that oxytocin can increase your chances of living long.  People who hug their loved one twice a day increase their life expectancy by 7 years on average.

14- Eat green leafy vegetables

 According to the Chinese people's balanced diet recommendation: make sure to eat at least 200 grams of green leafy vegetables every day.  Increasing the amount of green leafy vegetables in your diet can delay the rate of sugar spikes after a meal, prevent osteoporosis and reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

15- Reduce calories


 A study by the University of Gothenburg in Sweden found that reducing calorie intake not only helps delay aging, but also helps reduce the incidence of diabetes and cancer.

16- Eat ginger

Ginger is one of longevity foods. Regularly eating ginger is secret of long life.  

Gingerin in fresh ginger has powerful antioxidant and free radical scavenging effects, which can fight many diseases.  Eating ginger can stimulate intestinal lining, promote digestion and absorption of food, while ginger also promotes blood circulation, removes moisture and cold air in the body.

17- Jogging

 Jogging can effectively exercise the knee and increase its bearing capacity.  In addition, jogging can delay the aging of blood vessels, prevent varicose veins, repair knee cartilage damage, help remove fatty liver, help women avoid breast cancer, endometrial cancer.

18- Singing

When singing, offers irreplaceable benefits with any other sport: enhancing heart and lung function, maintaining brain vitality, improving immunity, improving gastrointestinal health.

So now you know how to live long life without disease. Apply the above 18 things well will help you increase life expectancy and longevity.

How To Live Long Life Without Disease?

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